
Art Institute of Chicago, Post Graduate Studies
Northwestern University, B.S.
Bard College


Manny Cantor Center, Manhattan, New York. Pen and Ink Drawing, Pencil Drawing "The Consequences of Hate Speech"
Park Avenue Synagogue’s Eli M. Black Lifelong Learning Center, New York, New York, Permanent Installation. Pen and Ink Drawing, "Ha’azinu"
Spertus Institute, "Outside Inside: Exploring Boundaries and Otherness", Chicago, Illinois
Women Of The Book Show, Jerusalem, Israel
The poem, "Clark Street Beach" is imprinted in concrete in front of the public library in Evanston, Illinois
Lebendige Linien (Living Lines): Drawings by Charlotte Hart. 2008
Kunst-und Literaturwerkstatt - Studio im Hochhaus, Lebendige Linien: Zeichnungen von Charlotte Hart, Berlin, Germany
Celebrating Diversity, Chicago, Illinois
Faxart-Gallery 400, Chicago, Illinois
Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon
University Museum, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
Qincy Society of Fine Arts, Quincy, Illinois
National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.
National Academy of Design, New York, New York
Drawing Center, "New Drawings in America", New York, New York
Lakeview Museum, Peoria, Illinois
The Art Institute of Chicago, "Group Show", Chicago, Illinois 
The Art Institute of Chicago, "Works on Paper", Chicago, Illinois
Drawing Center, New York, New York
The Art Institute of Chicago, "Drawings by Charlotte Hart" (Solo show)
Richard Fiegan Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
Organic Theatre, "Theatrical Drawings", Chicago, Illinois

Published Work


Journal of Modern Poetry 15. "Quills." "Fabrics." 2013
Cahoodaloodaling. "Opium." 2012
Deep Waters: Rivers, Lakes, & Seas. "Sisters Understanding Motion." 2012
Deep Waters. "The New Amsterdam." 2012
Poetry Cram: The Ultimate Chicago Poetry Anthology. "Plum Tree" and "After I Told You About Baron" 2012


Poets and Patrons Society of Chicago Award. 2014
Journal of Modern Poetry Award. 2013
Poets and Patrons Society of Chicago Award. 2008


Lebendige Linien (Living Lines): Drawings by Charlotte Hart. 2008


The Poets House, New York City, New York: Organic Spirits
The Art Institute of Chicago, Permanent Collection (three drawings) (click here)

Poetry Books

Organic Spirits by Charlotte Hart. Finishing Line Press. 2011
The Pegasus Ring by Charlotte Hart. 2008


Thema Literary Magazine, Ten Minutes of the Dog and the Rabbit, 2014 (poem and drawing).
Cahoodaloodaling, at, Opium, August 2012
Poetica Magazine, Huppah in Fall 2012 Print issue.
Apparatus Magazine. Ben Day and Seurat, November 2009 and T'ai Ch, September 2010
Barnwood International Poetry Magazine. Antropomorphic USA, Grass Mud Horse in China and Old Tools to Tell Time. 2011
Thema Literary Magazine,Is it One Line or Three? Fall 2011.
Dot Dot Shadow Theatre, July 2011.
The Aurorean.A Gust of Wind Blew Thousands of Cherry Blossoms, Summer 2011.
Apparatus Magazine,Ben Day and Seurat, November 2009 and T'ai Chi, September 2010
Chicago Poetry Press, Cram 3, Plum Tree and After I Told You About Baron, 2008


What a Funny Little Friend a Dog Is by Mary Belle Harwich. 2007
What a Funny Little Friend a Baby Is by Mary Belle Harwich. 2007
What a Funny Little Friend a Book Is by Mary Belle Harwich. 2007
The Shell of Wonder by John Hay and Mary Belle Harwich. Green Tiger-Simon and Schuster. 1990
The Rewolf of Oz by Roger Baum. Green Tiger-Simon and Schuster. 1990

Notable Quotations

The artist's work in progress of modern Biblical illuminations with commentary includes over seven hundred pieces of art and commentary to date.

Lewis Manilow, former President of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, wrote of this work as,"..artistically and spiritually extraordinary. The quality is so high and the vision so strong that I find it an astounding achievement."

Christian author and theologian Dr. Martin E. Marty, Professor Emeritus at the University of Chicago wrote of this work: "Anyone can do illustrations and anyone can have devotion, but to conceive of the wedding of these two as [Charlotte Hart] has in drawings and paintings, each of which has a surprising independence of the others and yet all of which are related because they are prismed through a single consciousness with a single intention, is quite a heroic venture."